Wednesday, May 02, 2012

Proposal: Trying again…

Times out and fails 1-4 ~ southpointingchariot

Adminned at 04 May 2012 16:36:21 UTC

Add a new Institution called “Cyborg Factory” and give it the following text

When a Player Influences the Cyborg Factory, they a gain X/3 Marines, rounded down, where X is the total number of Power they directed to the Cyborg Factory.

Add a new Institution called “Altar” and give it the following text

When a Player Influences the Altar they a gain 5X Power where X is the total number of Councilmen they directed to the Altar.

Change the text of the Council to “When a player Influences the Council, provided they have never previously influenced the Altar, they gain 1 Power and 1 Councilman. “

Based on the Legion and the mine, 1 marine is as hard to get as five power. But this takes an extra turn, so seems fair. Also got rid of the whole ‘lose it if you don’t win it’ rule.

Altar is nerfed, and puts on bad terms with the Council. you can still get councilmen then kill them off with the public, but that’s harder.


Kevan: he/him

02-05-2012 21:18:11 UTC


Josh: he/they

02-05-2012 22:17:02 UTC

against Altar is still too powerful. It means that Koen has 25 VPs in power sitting in the bank, which is worth much more than the 6 VPs he currently earns as the VP leader. You, Clucky, have 20 VPs in Councilmen, worth much more than the zero they are currently worth as the Council second-place. This is game-breaking as either of you could cash in, influence the public and win before anyone else could respond.


02-05-2012 22:32:35 UTC



02-05-2012 22:35:55 UTC

for yeay for 25 Power!

Clucky: he/him

02-05-2012 22:39:35 UTC

The mine gives you five power. The council gives you 1 power and a councilman. plus there is a limit on councilmen. Seems to me five is almost kinda low for councilmen, the reward for having the most just kinda blows.

Josh: he/they

02-05-2012 23:01:40 UTC

Yes yes, fine, but that’s not worth handing you and Koen an instawin button. Find something different.

Clucky: he/him

02-05-2012 23:15:46 UTC

I wouldn’t say its an instant win button. It is true that this makes councilmen more powerful and we have more councilmen than anyone else, but game could still last long enough that the councilmen advantage becomes bigger and someone can catch up…

Josh: he/they

02-05-2012 23:26:28 UTC

No, because you have to cash out before anyone can catch up, and in that time would have more than twice the Power that anyone else could muster. You would easily win in that time.

Clucky: he/him

02-05-2012 23:51:29 UTC

if you get the council and the rebels that’s two councilmen right there. they are not as hard to comeby as you are making it out to be, and once you cash them out they are a lot harder to get.

Kevan: he/him

03-05-2012 07:13:07 UTC

against CoV.


04-05-2012 11:48:06 UTC

against Actually I don’t think I have enough resources to have the win condition depends on one institution only…