Friday, June 08, 2012

Story Post: Unblocking a Chakra: Dynasty 23

21.23 Muffin Roles says

GRAND POOBAH – The current GRAND POOBAH. If any other Muffin besides Quazie is able to change its role to GRANDPOOBAH then that Muffin may Declare Victory. Only [[Template:a Muffin]] may give the role of GRAND POOBAH to another Muffin. There may only be one GRAND POOBAH at any given time.

I am a muffin, so I may give myself the role of GRAND POOBAH to myself and win. This worked to win the dynasty, so don’t see why it shouldn’t work for me too.


Kevan: he/him

08-06-2012 17:04:33 UTC

You can only give it to “another Muffin”, unless I’m missing something.

But even so, Dynasty 23 has no Dynastic Rules, so none of its rule text applies to you at the moment. We have to wait for the Time Buddha to “make a post to the Blog detailing which rules in that Dynasty’s are considered Dynastic and while rules are considered Core”.

Kevan: he/him

08-06-2012 17:37:42 UTC

Oh, it looks like Josh updated the UTD to specify which was which, but hasn’t (unless I’m missing something) made a blog post that details it. He’ll need to do that before it’s legal.

And I suppose “another Muffin” could be read as “a Muffin other than Quazie”, so fair enough.

Clucky: he/him

08-06-2012 18:07:26 UTC

I mean, I agree its is a little sketch. But if it won the dynasty proper, I don’t see why it doesn’t count here.

Kevan: he/him

08-06-2012 18:17:38 UTC

I don’t think that’s a given - people have had slightly flawed DoVs waved through before, for whatever reasons. We’re playing Dynasty 100 which happens to adopt some pre-written rules, and it’s up to the current players to decide whether certain actions are legal or illegal.

No objection to the victory once Josh has made a blog post to give Dynasty 23 its Dynastic Rules, though.


08-06-2012 21:47:00 UTC

I never read the ruleset for dynasty 23, but if “[[Template:a muffin]]” is to be read as “a muffin”, I don’t see how Clucky could be allowed to give the role of GRAND POOBAH to himself where the rule explicitly reads “to another muffin”.