Proposal: Veteran Tales
Timed out 1-4. 1 unresolved DEF. Failed by card.
Adminned at 18 Jun 2017 05:30:29 UTC
If “Insanity” exists as a mechanic, add to the powers of the Military listed in “Backgrounds” the following:
An Armed Military can tell tales of hardship and overcoming to other Explorers. If an Armed Military is at the same Camp as another Explorer, that Military can pay 5 supplies to Tell an Important Tale to that Explorer. Then, that Explorer’s Insanity is lowered by 1.
$$ pay2loseinsanity $$. I think 1 week for the fireplace is fair, but I feel like sinking a lot of dosh should be able to do as well, because 1 week could be a lot of time.
Kevan: he/him