Proposal: Veto Occasionally and Often
Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 13 Jun 2007 01:55:08 UTC
[ I still can’t always remember exactly what ‘often’ means, and given that its definition is such a simple and arbitrary phrase, I don’t see why we can’t just spell it out, whenever we want to use it. (The single current usage of it in the ruleset would actually be unabusably fine as just “Once per day”.)
If we get a weird Dynasty where event timing is really important, it seems healthier to create new and custom-built jargon for it each time, than to occasionally reuse this particular old one. ]
Remove the definitions of “often” and “occasionally” from the glossary.
In the “The Commodities” rule, replace “Often, the Government may Advance Time.” with:-
Once per day, but not more than once every six hours, the Government may Advance Time.