Monday, August 04, 2014

Proposal: Walking to the market

Reached quorum 6 votes to 1. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 05 Aug 2014 02:06:51 UTC

In the Rule “Flea Market” remove the following :-

reducing their own profit by £2 and

Why should we have to pay to participate in a capitalist economy?



04-08-2014 08:04:24 UTC



04-08-2014 16:28:57 UTC

for As it stands, there is only one Category for which searching and (blindly) selling to the Broker yields a positive expectation value, taking into account the probability of finding an item and the odds of that item being Rare or a Forgery. Removing this £2 cost means half of the available Categories yield a small profit on average, which seems about right.


04-08-2014 16:34:16 UTC

Hang on, forgot a term; the numbers actually work out so that only two Categories yield a positive EV after this change. Still, this does a lot to help the Categories with low Typical Prices.


04-08-2014 20:33:30 UTC

CoV, misclicked last night to be back on BN. imperial

Kevan: he/him

04-08-2014 20:48:26 UTC

for Seems safe to lose it, there’s still the “A Seller may not make a Flea Market post if they already have one to which the Broker has not responded.” clause to prevent spamming.


05-08-2014 00:24:36 UTC

against Screw the math. I don’t like it.


05-08-2014 03:38:53 UTC



05-08-2014 08:00:28 UTC
