Proposal: We need to escape!
1-7; cannot be enacted without vote change - coppro
Adminned at 27 Jun 2011 23:10:39 UTC
Create a rule called “Working together” with the text:
A plot marked as the shared plot exists. Any farmer may plant a seed on this plot as if it was their own. The wine cellar for this plot is considered to have infinite partitions, and any farmer may build a construction as if the wine cellar was their own. The wine cellar is referred to as the shared wine cellar. The shared plot has no farmer so any changes to the GNDT values of the owner of the plot are ignored. If the house is destroyed, all constructions including fueled jeeps are removed from its wine cellar. The shared plot is removed from the garden patch and a new shared plot is created below a random plot. Any constructions created in the wine cellar of the shared plot must have the date and time of creation noted next to them.
Create a rule called “An escape route” with the text:
Any farmer may post a Story post containing the word ‘escape’ in its title, which will be referred to as an escape post. All farmers who wish to escape must comment on this post within 24 hours of it being posted and if there are a number of fueled jeeps in the shared wine cellar equal or greater than the number of farmers who have commented, and if the number of farmers who have commented is at least Quorum, then a new dynasty begins without a landlord. The dynasty will be called the sixth metadynasty. Any fueled jeeps less than 24 hours old at the time of the creation of the escape post are ignored for the purposes of that post.
An escape post may not be created within 96 hours of the last escape post being created. A fueled or unfueled jeep may not be created in the shared wine cellar within 24 hours of the posting of an escape post.
Create a shared plot that is immediately below a random Plot (active or inactive).
The win condition at the moment is so insanely difficult that I thought I’d propose an alternate one.
I love the idea, but it’s another situation where one has to react within 24 hours to something, which may lead to situations. I don’t know.