Monday, October 15, 2007

Proposal: Werewolf

Reached quorum, eight votes to zero. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 16 Oct 2007 01:03:01 UTC

So, a couple of starting rules for a Mafia/Nomic hybrid, which should prove to be interesting, or at least interestingly broken. We’ve already had a gangster and a shapeshifting alien dynasty, so I went with Andrew Plotkin’s werewolves - rather than alternating between day and night, the Werewolves can agree to kill one Villager per day, and the Villagers can put forward as many lynch (or prison or wolfsbane or anything) proposals as they like.

Enact a new Rule, “Life in Zahndorf”:-

The Villagers of Zahndorf are a simple folk. They can either be Alive or Dead (tracked in the GNDT), and all Villagers start the game Alive.

If a Proposal title includes the phrase “Call To Action:”, then it represents a physical activity within the village (such as a barn raising or a lynching). A Dead Villager may not vote on a Call to Action, and Quorum for a Call to Action’s enactment will be calculated as half the number of living Villagers, rounded down, plus one.

The Mayor may Veto any Call for Action which he considers to be physically impossible, or otherwise inappropriate. (If the Mayor is Dead, he is still able to Veto Calls for Action, representing the intervention of collective municipal government.)

Enact a new Rule, “Werewolves”:-

Some of the Villagers may be Werewolves - although they have lived in the village in human form for years, they have the power to transform themselves into savage wolves, and can roam freely through the streets and surrounding woodland of Zahndorf.

The Werewolves’ identities are not tracked publicly, and are initially known only by the Mayor.

A Werewolf may privately email the Mayor announcing their intention to murder a named Villager, in an email with the subject “Targetting [Villager Name]” - upon reception of the email, this Villager becomes that Werewolf’s target.

If all living Werewolves have the same target, if they have not yet killed that day, and if the target is still Alive, then the Mayor may post a blog entry announcing that their target has been murdered. That Villager is now Dead.

Enact a new Rule, “Bad Moon Rising” (we should wait until a few more players join or unidle, before deciding who’s a werewolf):-

As soon as Zahndorf has ten or more Villagers in it, the Mayor may select two random Villagers (excluding himself) to become Werewolves. He shall alert them to their affliction through email or some other means, and each Werewolf shall be told the identity of the other. The Mayor shall then repeal this rule.



15-10-2007 17:50:18 UTC

for I love Mafia!


15-10-2007 18:12:31 UTC

I would recommend _not_ telling each Werewolf who the other Werewolves are at the outset.  The Werewolves’ task of identifying each other could be an interesting game mechanic.


15-10-2007 19:15:25 UTC

(Unidles) for
Hooray for “Are you a Werewolf?”

I definitely agree that in a nomic, it would be better if the werewolves do not initially have knowledge of others’ werewolf status.

Also, it would be nice for the game to be able to be joined even after the werewolves have been created without anyone knowing their status.  To this end, perhaps new players could have a chance (about 20%, say) of being created as a werewolf.
Anonymity could be further protected by, for example:
(1) Introducing a chance of werewolf failure to kill even when they are unanimous, and (2) by giving newly joined werewolves the option to “abstain” from choosing a target for the first few days (abstentions would not disrupt the other werewolves’ ability to unanimously choose a target).  Then, when there is a werewolf murder, no one (regardless of werewolf status) will necessarily be able to deduce the new player’s status.  Similarly, if there is not a werewolf murder on a given day, even the werewolves won’t know if it’s because of the normal failure chance, or because the new player is causing them to be non-unanimous.

It’s a very minor point, but I noticed that near midnight, it would be entirely possible for two werewolf murders to occur in quick succession.  I don’t really like that, but I also recognize that it would require the Mayor’s cooperation, so I’m not that worried about it.


15-10-2007 19:47:41 UTC


I also agree with the aformentioned points, including “I love Mafia!”

Kevan: he/him

15-10-2007 20:34:31 UTC

If anybody wants to propose that werewolves are initially ignorant of each other’s identity, I’ll be happy to hold off on selecting them, if public opinion seems to be in favour.


15-10-2007 21:35:16 UTC



16-10-2007 00:45:42 UTC

I love this game.

Clucky: he/him

16-10-2007 03:15:14 UTC


Zomg nomicwolf! I totally tried to get a game of this started on my forums( But it totally failed due to lack of rules and lack of interest. Yay for Blognomic now having the same idea!


16-10-2007 04:30:18 UTC

Sounds like I’ll have fun with this game…
Boy, I sure hope I get to be a ‘wolf.