Proposal: We’ve got company!
Timed out (3-3)
Failed by Hix
Adminned at 05 Aug 2006 12:22:54 UTC
Add a new subrule entitled “The Knights of Uncertainty” to the Rule “Time Companies”. Give it the following text:
Knights of Uncertainty
Leader: (Whatsisname) No current leader.
Rules: The Goal of the Knights is to put all other Travellers into Heisenberg Loops. If they acheive their goal, then Whatsisname acheives victory and will probably reward the other Knights somehow next dynasty. Whatsisname is chosen by consensus among the Knights, but if there doesn’t seem to be a consensus the Arbiter can choose someone.
Description: We stand for Freedom, Justice from… no, no; Justice and Freedom from… wait, isn’t Ignorance supposed to be in there somewhere? Hey Bob, how does our motto go again?
If there’s no such thing as a Heisenberg Loop, put the sentence beginning “The Goal of the Knights” and the one after it in italics.