Proposal: What’s a man to do? (Take two!)
Can’t reach quorum with eleven votes against. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 30 Oct 2007 04:57:43 UTC
Create a new sub-rule of the “Occupations” rule titled “Specific Occupations” with the following text:
The Bailiff (if living) may make a story post titled “Execution” if there is currently a prisoner. Unless at least two other living villagers respond to that post with an AGAINST voting icon with the next 24 hours, then the status of the prisoner becomes Dead.
As a weekly action, if it is Night, the Burglar (if living) may steal one item from another villager (living or dead) by making a story post. This item is transferred to the Burglar in the GNDT
As a weekly action, the Priest (if living) may create one Holy Water item in the possession of any villager who does not already have Holy Water
As a daily action, the Beer Seller (if living) may “make a sale”. To do so, they roll 1DICEX (where X is the number of living villagers) and count down that number of villagers in the GNDT, skipping villagers who are dead. The selected villager gains an Ale Tankard item. Any villager carrying an Ale Tankard item is “Drunk”. If a Drunk villager is killed, the villager or villagers responsible gain an additional acuity point. During the Day, a villager who has carried an Ale Tankard since the start of that day may “sober up” and destroy that Ale Tankard item.
The Master of Hounds may secretly inform the mayor of the status of the hounds. The hounds may either be “penned” or “released”. The hounds are “penned” unless otherwise specified. Whenever a villager is killed by being targeted by werewolves, if the hounds are released they begin to howl, alerting the village to the crime. When this occurs, the Mayor shall secretly reveal to each living villager the name of one villager who was out on the streets (per the Night Watchman rule). The named villager shall be selected at random from the list by a means of the Mayor’s choosing, and this random selection shall occur once for each living villager (so each living villager learns of one name on the list, but each has a chance of learning of a different name). The Master of Hounds learns of three names on the list (instead of one).
When the hounds are penned, the Master of Hounds may pen them outside the house of a living villager of their choice (themselves unless otherwise specified). The name of the villager whose house the hounds are penned outside of should be sent to the Mayor privately. If a villager who has hounds penned outside his house is targeted by a werewolf (or if they are a werewolf and they target another player) the hounds begin to howl, alerting the village. The Mayor shall then make a story post which identifies the name of the villager who has the hounds penned outside their house.
Any villager may include the word “Exceptions:” with their vote followed by a list of one or more occupations. When this proposal passes, if more than half of the FOR votes list an occupation as an exception, then the paragraph(s) detailing that occupation is removed from the above ruletext.
Kevan: he/him
The “exceptions” system doesn’t really work - if I think that one of the roles is overpowered or boring enough to strike it, I have to vote as if nobody else will object to it, just in case.
It’s also a bit bad for clouding the discussion and analysis of each role. We’ve been doing okay proposing them one at a time, so far.