Proposal: When push comes to shove
Reached quorum, 8-0. Josh
Adminned at 14 Feb 2023 11:59:55 UTC
In the rule Roughhousing, change the effect of Shove to:
The target loses 25 Time (to a minimum of zero) and has their Location changed to the Outside Location to which it has the route with the lowest Length (out of all of its Routes to Outside Locations). In the case of a tie, the Outside Location that comes first alphabetically out of its Routes is chosen. If the target fails to change location due to no such route existing, they instead have their Location changed to the Indoors Location to which it has the route with the lowest Length. In the case of a tie, the Location that comes first alphabetically out of its Routes is chosen. If the target failed to change location due to no routes existing in its location, this Shove is an illegal action.
Shoving currently sends you to an illegal location.