Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Proposal: Who shaves the barber?

Passed 10-0.

Adminned at 19 Oct 2007 10:02:47 UTC

Add a new dynastic rule, entitled “Hair”, as follows:

The Mayor will determine, once with respect to each Villager (i.e., promptly after the adoption of this Proposal with respect to Villagers active then, and with respect to each new Villager promptly after the Villager becomes active), whether that Villager has a Hairy Back in accordance with the following principles:  A Villager who is not a Werewolf has a 25% chance of having a Hairy Back, and a Villager who is a Werewolf has a 50% chance of having a Hairy Back.  Upon making such determination, the Mayor will privately communicate to each Villager the status of that Villager’s Back.  The status of having a Hairy Back shall not be tracked in the GNDT

A Villager who does not have a Hairy Back may not acquire a Hairy Back.

A Villager who has a Hairy Back may lose it only in accordance with the following: There must be a Villager who has an occupation of “Barber”.  Both the Villager with the Hairy Back and the Barber must secretly communicate to the Mayor a message to the effect that the Villager with the Hairy Back has been shaved.  However, the Barber cannot shave himself; thus, if the Barber has a Hairy Back then it cannot be removed.




17-10-2007 20:41:06 UTC

imperial More importantly, who milks the milkman?


17-10-2007 20:46:24 UTC


Brendan: he/him

17-10-2007 20:52:53 UTC

imperial Because Kevan should be the one deciding how many times he wants to type the phrase “hairy back” in private correspondence.


17-10-2007 22:15:24 UTC

for on the grounds of it being funny.


17-10-2007 23:57:07 UTC

for YAY!! something that makes the game a real nomic instead of a quasi-mafia!


18-10-2007 00:57:11 UTC

for can’t wait for the ‘show your back’ town meeting proposal

Amnistar: he/him

18-10-2007 02:13:57 UTC


Kevan: he/him

18-10-2007 08:53:13 UTC

for Although “privately email” will have to mean “write down and wait for them to email me”, since I don’t yet have email addresses for everybody.

Amnistar: he/him

18-10-2007 13:52:59 UTC

On that note, can you sticky a post with contact info for you?


19-10-2007 00:29:55 UTC
