I’ve just redone Hix’s mishappening. Can someone please fix the GNDT (and fix it for good, so when we edit one of’em the other remains unchanged?)
I’ve just redone Hix’s mishappening. Can someone please fix the GNDT (and fix it for good, so when we edit one of’em the other remains unchanged?)
posted by ChronosPhaenon at 09 Aug 2006 02:59:00 UTC Comments (3)
Fixed. And I’ve added the Focus Date as a player, which Hix was talking about doing this morning, I think. The data file’s been backed up as
if it happens again.
What did you do, Chronos?
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AAAA we had it fixed!!!! What did you do? DO NOT use the “save” button in the GNDT config for the old “Time Travel Variables GNDT”. That’s what started this mess.