Yarr, Let’s Have Us A Keelhaulin’!
punishment failed 12-17, annotated by smith.
Adminned at 18 Feb 2006 13:28:57 UTC
Yarr, that damn Bucky be a rowdy one, smashin’ on our newest crewmember’n'all, so I calls for ‘im to be Keelhauled!
punishment failed 12-17, annotated by smith.
Adminned at 18 Feb 2006 13:28:57 UTC
Yarr, that damn Bucky be a rowdy one, smashin’ on our newest crewmember’n'all, so I calls for ‘im to be Keelhauled!
This accusation comes from the guy who crippled poor Igthorn the other day. FOR FUN!
Duels initiated in last 48 hours:
Banja 1
Bucky 1
Igthorn 3
This is relevant to the other Keelhauling, too.
Yarr, if ye be havin’ a problem, be sure t’ propose a Keelhaulin’.
The Lone Amigo: