Your GNDT a splode
Okay, peoples, we have a temporary problem. I was performing the simple task of editing the second GNDT (you know, the one which had just the “Time Travel Variables” in it, and should now have the “Focus Date” in it.), but when I clicked the “save” button, my changes were written to the first GNDT (yeah, the one with all our personal Gamestates). As far as I know, this should be fixable, but I ought to leave it up to someone more knowledgable, and with more administrative access than I. Will someone please help with this? I’ll be in the #nomic channel on IRC until it’s better, in case specific details of my actions are needed.
After this is fixed, we should form an angry mob and hunt down whoever set up that blasted second GNDT in the first place (Angry Grasshopper and/or Excalabur, if I recall correctly).
UPDATE: Everything is fine, nothing is ruined (I think).
Kevan: he/him
Taking a look at it now.