Friday, June 03, 2011

Proposal: Zombie Movements

Timed out 7-3.—Yoda

Adminned at 05 Jun 2011 13:41:52 UTC

Add the following text after the sentence “When a Zombie Shambles, the Behaviour specified by its Species is carried out once.” in the rule titled “The Dead”:

If, at any time while a Zombie is Shambling, the Zombie moves or teleports to a Square that contains a Crop or Shed or if the Zombie is on a Square that contains a Crop or Shed when it starts Shambling, that Zombie attacks that Crop or Shed then stops Shambling unless its Powers or Behavior explicitly states otherwise.

Remove “Whenever a Shambling Zombie shall Move to a square containing a Crop from this Seed, that Zombie attacks the Crop instead.” from the effects of the Corn and Weed Seeds.

Remove “Attacks anything located there.” from the rule titled “Wanderer”.
Remove “If it meets something, It stops and attacks it.” and “at most” from the rule titled “Zoombie”.
Remove “After moving, attacks any plants located on the square it is on.” from the rule titled “Herbivore”.
Remove “, then attacks whatever’s there” from the rule titled “Ghoul”.



03-06-2011 21:00:51 UTC

imperial I am unsure, as this rule explicitly makes every Crop almost as defensive as beforehand only Weed and Corn were.

I thought one could pretty nicely make a line of Weed to defend ones Plot against the Zs.

That’s still possible of course but now it could be any Crop to form that line of defense… Hm.


03-06-2011 21:25:52 UTC

Yes, to me that makes more sense, since otherwise it wouldn’t make much sense for zombies to just ignore your defences and just go straight for the house.


03-06-2011 21:41:43 UTC

I’ll leave my vote as it is for the moment. (That is the vote that I support whatever you as Landlord vote for, right, so I currently support the proposal?)


03-06-2011 22:04:28 UTC



03-06-2011 22:31:01 UTC



03-06-2011 23:39:21 UTC

mideg: Yes, that is correct.  Since I made the proposal, DEF votes count as FOR votes.


03-06-2011 23:46:29 UTC


SingularByte: he/him

04-06-2011 05:13:40 UTC



04-06-2011 06:23:09 UTC


Josh: he/they

04-06-2011 07:32:07 UTC



04-06-2011 08:37:36 UTC

CoV against  I thought it was nice to have a difference in the Crops, having some that are defending in the sense that they slow the Zs down, some that are damage-dealing and some that are income-increasing. I want to keep it that way.


04-06-2011 10:24:32 UTC

against per mideg


04-06-2011 19:16:45 UTC

This actually fixes a problem in some of the zombie behaviors where it’s unclear whether zombies can attack other zombies (currently they can).

Darknight: he/him

04-06-2011 21:14:20 UTC



05-06-2011 14:26:17 UTC

[Yoda] That’s the coolest part of it all. Use Zombies to attack zombies!!!  against  against  against