Thursday, October 21, 2021

Proposal: Zoning Laws

Reached quorum 11 votes to 0, with four deferential. Enacted by TyGuy6.

Paragraph “Let X be the number of Realtors plus two…” was changed by Bed Bath and Beyond, and hence, was not replaced. But the proposal seems to have accounted for that, and replaced a line (“Set the House’s name to be a name using any one of the name formats described above”) from the new text, instead.

Adminned at 22 Oct 2021 20:23:50 UTC

In the rule House Market, remove

Each House has a publicly tracked name which may be used to refer to that house, which may either be in the format of “N Dade Street” or in the format of “M Arveg Lane”, and defaults to one of those two formats, where N and M are arbitrary numbers between 1 and 100 not already used for that respective variable.

add a new subrule to “House Market” called “Addresses” and give it the following text

An address consists of a Road and a House Number. A House’s Address (also know as its Name) is considered to be [N] [R] where [N] is their house number and [R] is the name of their road. No two houses can share the same Road and House Number.

Each Road has a name, a list of rules for what the House Numbers on that road can be, and an effect which houses on that Road have (which may be empty). The list of valid roads, their house number rules, and effects are listed below:

* Dade Street. Houses on Dade Street must have integer house numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive. Effect: The condition of houses on Dade Street is increased by one (to a maximum of 10)
* Arveg Lane. Houses on Arveg Lane must have integer house numbers between 1 and 100 inclusive. Effect: If any attribute of a house on Arveg Lane is ever 1, it is instead set to 2.
* Bizome Blvd. Houses on Bizome Blvd must have integer house numbers between 1 and 10. Effect: When adding a house on Bizome Blvd, its attributes always start at 5 rather than using any prescribed dice rolls.

Update any houses whose name prior to enactment of this proposal was X Dade Street to have their road be Dade Street and their house number be X.
Update any houses whose name prior to enactment of this proposal was Y Arveg Lane to have their road be Arveg Lane and their house number be Y.

In “House Market” replace

If at any point there are less than X Houses listed, then any player may add another House to the list of Houses, with a name using one of the name formats described above of that player’s choice and rolling a DICE10 for each Attribute of the new House and setting that Attribute as the result.


If at any point there are less than X Houses listed, then as a daily action any player may add another House to the list of Houses, with a valid address of that player’s choice and rolling a DICE10 for each Attribute of the new House and setting that Attribute as the result.

and replace

Set the House’s name to be a name using any one of the name formats described above


Set the House’s Address to be a valid address


Everything on two roads sounds like it might be a little boring (but it should stay an unformal rule that all road names are anagrams of something spooky)


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

21-10-2021 18:25:32 UTC

Neat idea! There’s typo in the Dade street section, and it doesn’t account for if bed bath and beyond passes.

Clucky: he/him

21-10-2021 18:45:35 UTC

ugh i missed that rule and wording this to work with it is gonna be annoying

Clucky: he/him

21-10-2021 18:48:01 UTC

I think I got something that’ll work (though someone will still be able to house spam if the other proposal passes. oh well. that can be fixed later)


21-10-2021 20:22:20 UTC

Greentick. Will help fix what might get broken in the process.

Brendan: he/him

21-10-2021 23:17:19 UTC

imperial “Effect: The condition of houses on Dade Street is increased by one (to a maximum of 10)” kind of sounds like every house gets its condition immediately increased to 10. Also, I’m mad that I can’t have a house at 420 6/9 Bofa Blvd.

Raven1207: he/they

22-10-2021 02:34:52 UTC


redtara: they/them

22-10-2021 03:02:16 UTC


Kevan: he/him

22-10-2021 08:18:48 UTC



22-10-2021 14:46:07 UTC


Trapdoorspyder: he/him

22-10-2021 14:53:10 UTC

for Needs a little bit of fixing I think but workable.

Zack: he/him

22-10-2021 17:35:53 UTC



22-10-2021 19:15:14 UTC

For “Effect: The condition of houses on Dade Street is increased by one (to a maximum of 10)”, how does this trigger, and is the increase recorded on the tracking page?

Josh: Mastermind he/they

22-10-2021 19:22:05 UTC

I can’t work out what “Bizome” is an anagram for,  against literally unplayable

( for )


22-10-2021 19:52:19 UTC

for @pokes, I suspect that it’s passive, and so not tracked external to this rule. A reading that says it immediately goes up repeatedly until it hits 10 doesn’t seem consistent.


22-10-2021 19:53:37 UTC
