Proposal: Ahunt we go, take 2
Timed out. Passed. 7-0. Chronos Phaenon and Axeling receive each 2.5 * 7 = 17.5 DNA Points. Clucky, Seebo, Ammnistar Woofy and 404 receive 7 DNA points. Everyone else gets 3 DNA points.
Now actually sent as enacted. Ooops!
Adminned at 11 Apr 2007 13:56:09 UTC
If Proposal: Forage or Perish, take 2 has not passed, in rule Evolutionary Variables, change
A lifeform may often increase one of eir evolutionary variables
A lifeform may often Evolute. Evolute means increase one of eir evolutionary variables
Add a Hunting rule:
Often, instead of Evoluting, a Lifeform may Hunt. The Hunt is divided into two phases, as described below.
*Chase Phase: The Hunting Lifeform rolls DICEN, where N is the number of Lifeforms in the GNDT, not counting The Gene Pool. The Nth Lifeform, as listed in the GNDT - excepting The Gene Pool, is the Target Lifeform. Note that the Target Lifeform may be the same as the Hunting one.
The Hunting Lifeform rolls DICE10 twice. If the result of the first DICE10 roll + the Hunting Lifeform’s Appendages value is greater than the result of the second DICE10 roll + the Target Lifeform’s Appendages value, then the Chase is a success, and the Hunt proceeds to the Fight Phase. Otherwise, the Hunt is failed. Failed hunts have no further effect.
*Fight Phase: The Hunting Lifeforms rolls DICEY DICEZ once, where Y is 2*the Hunting Lifeform’s Facial Features value + 1, and Z is 2*the Target Lifeform’s Facial Features value +1. If the result of DICEY is greater than DICEZ, the Hunt is successful. If the result of DICEZ is greater than twice the result of DICEY, the Hunt is reversed. Otherwise, the Hunt fails.
A successful Hunt results in the Hunting Lifeform gaining X DNA, where X is the greater of 0.02*the Hunting Lifeform’s Body Mass value*the Target Lifeform’s DNA, rounded up, or 2*the Hunting Lifeform’s Body Mass. The Hunting Lifeform cannot gain more than twice the Target Lifeform’s DNA in this manner.
A reversed Hunt results in the Hunting Lifeform losing DNA as many DNA as e would gain, had they succeeded in the Hunting. If this would bring eir DNA to a negative value, bring it to Zero, instead.
If Proposal: Forage or Perish, take 2 passed, add to the Hunting rule:
A Lifeform who has Foraged in the last 3 days can’t Hunt.
and add to the Foraging rule:
A Lifeform who has Hunted in the last 3 days can’t Forage.
When this Proposal is enacted, Chronos Phaenon and Axeling receive each 2.5 * A - 1.5 * B DNA points where A is the number of counted legal FOR votes cast on this proposal and B is the number of counted legal AGAINST votes, instead of what they would receive or be entitled to as per rule Evolutionary Currency.
Amnistar: he/him