Monday, November 30, 2009

Alright, if you’re going to get that worked up about it

I hereby found Weblog Nomic. The ruleset can be found here. It plays on this very blog; that won’t be confusing at all.

I hereby announce my arrival within Weblog Nomic.

Taking a leaf from Ienpw III’s book.



30-11-2009 16:25:10 UTC

Hmm. We also use the same GNDT. That might be a problem; WBN will switch to a wiki page as soon as possible.

Kevan: he/him

30-11-2009 17:16:28 UTC

I’m not sure what you’re talking about with “getting worked up” and “Ienpw III’s book”, but you should win a dynasty or pick a different blog host, if you want to start a new nomic. There’s plenty of space on the internet.


30-11-2009 17:29:09 UTC

...this is a civil war. The idea is that WBN will conquer BN.

As for “getting worked up”, I’m referring to the opposition to the fast veto; and “Ienpw III’s book” is the fact that he’s done something very similar in Fresh Nomic.


30-11-2009 17:32:22 UTC

The DDA declares war against WBN, while at the same time refusing to recognize that WBN exists.


30-11-2009 17:35:12 UTC

@Qwaz: But I’m a DDA member…


30-11-2009 17:36:58 UTC

Haven’t you renounced DDA membership, like, 8 times?


30-11-2009 17:38:18 UTC

...once. Then at the end of your dynasty I rejoined.


30-11-2009 17:52:46 UTC

Ok, good. Well, we’re at war with the nonexistent WBN atm, fyi. Maybe we should put up another DDA board to discuss important war tactics.

ais523: Custodian

30-11-2009 18:12:30 UTC

Please, B Nomic and C Nomic tried this, except that the split was created by a proposal (in B, and possibly also in C; we never did figure out whether they had the same gamestate or not). That was a huge mess, or would have been if it had happened at all and not been commented out by mistake. (That was a huger mess.)


30-11-2009 19:00:41 UTC

This reminds me of a concept in game theory, where if a vote is take to change something in the game, all those in favor of the change get their own world (Nomic gamestate.) and the others keep the original, and they keep splitting until each player, ultimately, has their own world all to themselves. Whereas I might be interested in a parallel world type situation, I must admit that if I wanted to play by myself, I would have kept playing Cimonomic.


01-12-2009 02:53:05 UTC

No.  You’re not using our blog for your game.  I will use as big a stick as necessary for this to be the case.


01-12-2009 05:27:28 UTC

Do you mean the blog, or the system, like with “testnomic”? In either case, I object, but if you mean the blog itself, I object more strongly.

Kevan: he/him

01-12-2009 09:07:42 UTC

I think Rule 1.10 covers us. Two or three players deciding to use the BlogNomic blog to play their own game seems like a fair example of “spam” to everyone who isn’t playing.

[tecslicer] A friend of mine tried something like that (with players existing across all nomics, and unused branches expiring) a decade back. The website’s sadly been lost since, though.

Josh: he/they

01-12-2009 11:21:53 UTC

Something interesting really needs to happen in this dynasty.

ais523: Custodian

01-12-2009 16:29:03 UTC

I suspect it’ll die due to death by grinding; that’s already driven me away, and possibly it’ll start driving other people away too.


01-12-2009 17:28:08 UTC

I think it’ll die due to death by admins refusing to follow the rules…

redtara: they/them

01-12-2009 20:29:21 UTC


Darknight: he/him

02-12-2009 00:42:10 UTC

Death by admins?


02-12-2009 05:58:59 UTC

This dynasty sucks.  But that was obvious a long time ago.  I’m only active to prevent long-term badness.


02-12-2009 06:02:27 UTC

No long-term badness is happening. If I had free time (HAHAHA) I would grind the heck out of this Dynasty and End it. But someone else can do that.


03-12-2009 11:47:00 UTC

Qwaz:  I unidled specifially to vote against a proposal that was long-term-bad.

And they can, until the word ‘win’ appears in the ruleset.