Proposal: Arcana of the Covenant
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 29 Mar 2021 16:36:36 UTC
Rewrite the rule Arcana as follows:
Cards whose suit is Arcana can have effects on the game, based on where they appear.
When an Arcana is played into a Player’s Pocket, it may have an effect on either themselves (the ‘holder’) or the other Participant in the same game (the ‘opponent’). The following is a list of the effects different Arcana have when they appear in a Player’s Pocket:
* Angel: the Heft of all Cards in the holder’s Pocket is doubled
* Devil: the Heft of all Cards in the opponent’s Pocket are reduced by 5 (to a minimum of zero each)
* Magician: Has a Heft of 15 whenever the holder scores Points for a Trick, but a heft of 0 whenever the opponent scores points for a Trick
* Lightning: Has all Suits
* World: The holder scores one extra Point whenever they claim a Trick
* Impostor: The opponent scores one fewer Points whenever they claim a Trick
* Death: If the opponent’s Pocket contains no Ace cards, then neither the holder or the opponent may score any points from TricksWhen an Arcana is in the Grand Canal it affects all Participants in that game. The following is a list of the effects different Arcana have when they appear in the Grand Canal:
* Angel: A Participant may consider the Bersaglio to be one higher or lower for the purposes of claiming Il Toro.
* World: All Arcana have a Heft of 15.
* Sun: All Pockets comprise of the most recent four Cards a Player has Played in their current game.
* Moon: All Pockets comprise of the most recent two Cards a Player has Played in their current game. Any Trick that requires that a Pocket contain three cards may be claimed as if it required only two cards instead.
* Star: All Arcana have all Suits.
* Lightning: Masks have no further effect in this Game. (This currently means that Arlecchino, Di Paolo and Pedrolino masks will have no effect.)
* Magician: The Dealer must post the contents of each of this Game’s Participant’s Hands in the Table for this game.
Add a new Mask to the list in Masks:
Centofanti: If any Participant in a Game is wearing the Centofani Mask then the Dealer must Deal an Arcana card as this Game’s Grand Canal.
Lulu: she/her