Proposal: Beep Boop
Unpopular - CB
Adminned at 11 Aug 2021 16:25:05 UTC
Add a new dynastic rule called “Bots” with the following text
Bots are Workers for the purposes of dynastic rules only. Each Bot has a name, and a set of behavior that describes how the bot operates. Bots are tracked alongside the other Workers on the dynastic tracking page, but their rows are given a background color of #cff to help signify they are a bot.
The list of bots and their behavior is below:
* Name: Sharebot. Behavior: Any Worker may take any action which Sharebot is legally allowed to perform on Sharebot’s behalf.
* Name: Sleepybot. Behavior: Sleepybot cannot perform any actions
“Any Worker may take any action which Sharebot is legally allowed to perform on Sharebot’s behalf.” -> “Any Worker may take any action which Sharebot is legally allowed to perform, on Sharebot’s behalf.”
As written, anything Sharebot is allowed to perform is on its own behalf, so a Worker might parse the sentence such that they can do it for themselves.