Proposal: Best Castles to Live In 2024
Popular, 4-0. Enacted by JonathanDark.
Adminned at 23 Feb 2024 21:16:25 UTC
In the rule “Castles”, add a subrule named “Reputation” with the following text:
Each Vassal has a number named Reputation which defaults to 0 and can be at most 5.
In the rule “Waves” add the following step just before the last step in the atomic action:
* If the Vassal’s Damage increased as a result of the preceding step, subtract 1 from the Vassal’s Reputation, to a minimum of 0. Otherwise, add 1 to the Vassal’s Reputation, to a maximum of 5.
In the rule “Fortnight”, add the following step just before the last step in the Fortnight atomic action:
* For each Vassal, add a number of Serfs equal to that Vassal’s Reputation.
Here’s an idea for gaining Serfs. Vassals who prevent any Damage during enemy Waves increase their Reputation and start attracting more Serfs. Taking on Damage has the opposite effect.
naught: Idle