I dispense a new Stickybomb from the vending machine.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Story Post: (Bomb) Exact Change Only (14 comments) I dispense a new Stickybomb from the vending machine.
28-07-2011 22:34:42 UTC
Your attempt to pass it off to Prince Anduril was illegal. You still have it.
Prince Anduril:
30-07-2011 12:08:47 UTC
Or will I? (Dun, dun, dun!). I drink some Monster Ripper from the ClingBoom cup, giving me 2 more AP! With my new found energy, who wants a Diet StickyBomb? I think I’ll fob it off to Blacky.
Kevan: he/him
Wait a minute, this is a Diet StickyBomb. I fob it off to Coppro.