Proposal: Camp Upgrades
Timed out 1-5. Failed by card.
Adminned at 03 Jun 2017 19:58:14 UTC
Add to “Camps”
By paying 5 supplies, an Explorer can deploy one of these Camp Upgrades at a Camp they’re at. A Camp can only have none (inclusive) to two (inclusive) Upgrades and by default don’t have any. Camp Upgrades can be removed by any Explorer at that Camp by paying 7 supplies.
- Heating: If the Camp’s Temperature is different than 20º at any time, it then becomes 20º instantly after.
- Archaeology Tent: All Scholars learn one extra (randomly chosen) word of the Secret Creed (one which they don’t already know by virtue of Rules) when this is deployed.
- Occultism Tent: Any Explorer may sacrifice a Dog Sled while they’re at the Camp this is deployed at to increase or decrease The Ancient One’s Satisfaction by 5, plus 5 more per existing Archaeology Tent.
- Logistics Tent: Choose a Mission when this Perk is deployed. That Mission’s Secret Treasure becomes ‘Double Treasure’, if it weren’t already.
- Supply Flare: The Camp this is deployed at gains 10 Supplies.
Making Camps more useful.
Since tents can be removed, wouldn’t it be better for them to give a constant benefits?
The Archaeology tent gives a bonus that can’t be removed. In fact someone could, by taking on a massive debt, deploy that upgrade 5 times and remove it 4 times, at base camp. This would cause any scholars that exist to learn the whole creed. What’s the challenge in that?
In the same vein the supply flare gives someone maximum supplies (via increasing their debt). Say I have 2 dogsleds and 10 supplies. I could exit a camp, create a new camp (7 supplies), give it the supply flare (2 supplies) then take all of the new supplies (12 supplies).