Proposal: Clean Deterministic Hardware
Reached Quorum 5 to 0. Enacted by Derrick.
Adminned at 05 Oct 2018 14:25:31 UTC
Amend “Running the Program” by doing the following:
Change the text:
to read:
Change the text:
into the “JavaScript + jQuery 3.3.1” section of the Hardware, with the cursor at line 1
to read:
in between the two lines beginning with “//” in the bottom-left section of the Hardware
Remove the bullet point beginning:
Press the “Run the Master Control Program” button
Amend “Master Control Program” by removing the line that contains the text:
var MCPOutput = “”;
and by adding a line immediately after “var GNDTArray = [];”:
var randomSeed = “__RANDOM”;
and by adding a line immediately before “var GNDTLines = GNDT.split(”\n”);”:
Add to the bulleted list in “Preprocessor”:
*__RANDOM is replaced by a random number from the GNDT by rolling DICE54321.
This is very similar to “Upgrading our hardware”, but it includes a way to specify random seeds, and connects it to the GNDT, for tracking.
Kevan: he/him