Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Proposal: Clues can be valuable

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 15 Sep 2011 12:34:36 UTC

Amend the “Examination” rule from:

If there are at least three Items with no Flags, then any Rational Survivor may - as a daily Action - select three different Items which have no Flags, and roll DICE3 (with a GNDT comment that lists the names of his or her three chosen Items). The Item whose position in that list matches the result of the die roll gains a Clue Flag.


If there are at least three Items with no Flags, then any Rational Survivor may - as a daily Action - select three different Items which have no Flags (except a Valuable flag), and roll DICE3 (with a GNDT comment that lists the names of his or her three chosen Items). The Item whose position in that list matches the result of the die roll gains a Clue Flag.

With lots of Items going overboard, and only a few people salvaging, I thought it might be good to allow people to have Valuable clues


Kevan: he/him

14-09-2011 16:05:15 UTC

“no Flags (except a Valuable flag)” would seem to mean that only Valuable Items can have Clues.

It seems an interesting enough dilemma as to whether to make an Item valuable, or keep it around so that you might get a clue out of it. Maybe we should just tweak the Clue rule to give less of an obvious incentive to throw every Clue Item overboard when you’ve examined it. (Perhaps Clues only count while the object is still around, so that you can present the evidence when you get back to civilisation.)



14-09-2011 16:35:28 UTC

against In a hurry to win? ;-)

I like Kevan’s idea of giving a reason not to throw Clues overboard, though.


14-09-2011 17:51:27 UTC



14-09-2011 21:07:11 UTC

Okay, perhaps I’m misreading the rules, but do you not need to have the three clue items /in your possession/ to win?

The rules are actually hopelessly ambiguous about this and ought to be up-cleared.

Kevan: he/him

14-09-2011 21:23:15 UTC

Seems okay to me. “No Survivor may make a Declaration of Victory unless he or she has at least three different Items in his or her Clues list. ” - if you’re carrying a Clue Item you can pay 2 Sanity to “[add] the name of that Item to his or her Clues”.

Darknight: he/him

15-09-2011 02:24:24 UTC



15-09-2011 04:49:28 UTC

Kevan: Is it “possesses three different Items, each of which happens to be in the Clues list”, or “has a Clues list containing at least three different Items”? If the former, other rules need to respect this.

Prince Anduril:

15-09-2011 07:28:01 UTC

I’ve always clearly read it as the latter. Though perhaps giving people too many options for getting clues is silly. People can always salvage non-valuable items to get more options for clues.

s/k then against

Kevan: he/him

15-09-2011 08:16:53 UTC

It was intended as the latter, but I can see that “has” is very slightly ambiguous.


15-09-2011 08:19:06 UTC

In particular, you don’t add Items to your Clues list. You add their names.

Kevan: he/him

15-09-2011 08:21:15 UTC

I’ll propose a fix when the queue clears.