Proposal: Combo: A Rebirth
Timed out 6-0. Enacted by card.
Adminned at 28 Apr 2017 05:39:45 UTC
Add a new rule “Combos”
Anytime that an organ wants to do 5 or more actions within an hour they may choose in leui of doing all of those actions separately, which potentially causes confusion as to what is happening, to make a “Combo” blog post that cannot be edited after posting. The gamestate may be changed to reflect the results of the Combo once all of the actions are completed.
A Combo post is a numbered list of the actions taken, the first action is #1 each subsequent number of actions is increased by one. Each action and the portion of the gamestate changed from that action are kept on their own line. An Atomic action has lettering of it’s steps, refer to the example and note the curly braces vs the parenthesis.
Example Combo
1 [action one] ([gamestate before action] -> [gamestate after action])
2 [action two] ([gamestate before action] -> [gamestate after action])
3 [atomic action] {[gamestate before atomic action]}
3a [first atomic substep] ([gamestate before substep] -> [gamestate after substep])
3b [second atomic substep] ([gamestate before substep] -> [gamestate after substep]) {[gamestate after atomic action]}
4 [action four] ([gamestate before action] -> [gamestate after action])
etcetera . . .If any actions require a die roll or other random event that is visible to the public, Managers must make those rolls before posting the combo with a note stating which step the roll is for and what action they are taking and the title of their Combo. Managers may not make multiple rolls in the GNDT for the same step. Managers cannot have two or more rolls in the GNDT with Combo titles that are different unless all but one of the Combo titles have been posted and include that roll.
Each action of a Combo happens in their own second, substeps of an Atomic Action happen all at the same second as the parent step. The first action happens at the time the Combo is posted.
So don’t make a Combo with 60 steps and then edit the gamestate right after posting.
I suggest having the Combo blogpost be in addition to the Combo actions done as usual (via the GNDT/Wiki/etc), as a sort of additional notification/clarification for the sake of having everything recorded in the GNDT/Wiki/usual recording mediums. Other than that, looks good.