Proposal: Costume Selection
reached quorum 4-1 enacted by card
Adminned at 07 Oct 2017 03:14:53 UTC
Add a new rule, “Costumes”:
Each [PLAYER] has a Costume, tracked in the GNDT, and defaulting to “Human”. Each Costume has an associated Trick value and a Treat value, listed below. If they have not done so this Metadynasty, a [PLAYER] may change their costume to one of the following:
* Human (0 Trick, 0 Treat)
* Prince or Princess (0 Trick, 3 Treat)
* Superhero (0 Trick, 2 Treat)
* Ghost (1 Trick, 1 Treat)
* Skeleton (2 Trick, 1 Treat)
* Witch or Wizard (3 Trick, 0 Treat)Prince and Princess, and Witch and Wizard, are considered to be synonyms.
Change [PLAYER] in this rule to the name for a player in the metadynasty.
Note: although it might look like it on first glance, this doesn’t rely on Cuddlebeam’s “Trick or Treat” proposal.