Monday, April 09, 2012

Cycle 6 Resolution

Clucky influences the Bank with 4 Credits and now has 46 Credits
Cpt_Koen influences the Council with 6 Credits and the Rebels with 10 Credits and now has 14 Credits, 2 Power, 1 Marine and 2 Councilmen
Josh now has 41 Credits
Kevan now has 18 Credits
Patrick now has 31 Credits
Yonah influences the Mine with 1 Marine and the Black Market with 1 Marine and now has 14 Credits, 0 Marines, 5 Power, and may, at any time during this Cycle, spend 5 + N Credits to increase their Marines by 1, where N is the number of times they have performed this action during the current Cycle.
Galactic Galatea influences 96189 Pygmalion with 3 Credits and now has 20 Credits and may dictate that the Galatea take any action that is legal for the Galatea to take this Cycle.


Clucky: he/him

09-04-2012 03:10:11 UTC

What about Galatea? He should’ve at least earned some credits…

also if no one directed stuff to the bank, (which, coulped with SPC fogetting Galatea’s list is the only way I could’ve only earned 6 credits that roudn) its clearly got over nerfed


09-04-2012 03:24:40 UTC

Ah yes, Galatea, updating. I have confirmed that the Bank was calculated correctly.

Josh: Imperator he/they

09-04-2012 06:58:15 UTC

I only allocated 1 credit to the courthouse…


09-04-2012 12:38:32 UTC

My mistake Josh! I’ll run over everything.


09-04-2012 23:42:39 UTC

“Galactic Galatea influences 96189 Pygmalion with 3 Credits and now has 20 Credits and may dictate that the Galatea take any action that is legal for the Galatea to take this Cycle.”