Friday, March 19, 2021

Call for Judgment: Darknight Pls

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 3 votes to 5 by Kevan.

Adminned at 21 Mar 2021 15:15:17 UTC

Append, after the words “If they reject, the Game is Closed, and the player posting the Sfida is the Game’s Campione” in both the rule “Tournament Rules of Giolitti” and the ruleset section “Impending Rules”, the following paragraph:

If a Player who must respond to a Sfida has not responded within 24 hours of that Sfida being posted, then that Player is considered to have rejected the Sfida.

At the moment, the Starting Player of my current match has not made a move, and hasn’t responded to mentions on Slack. Even if I were to make this a [Tournament] proposal, it could easily be Sunday evening before I have a chance to participate in the primary mechanic of the dynasty.


Lulu: she/her

19-03-2021 20:04:52 UTC

Pretty sure this still needs a Tournament tag.

Lulu: she/her

19-03-2021 20:06:46 UTC

Aside from that, I feel like there’s a better way of handling flakes.  This only works for about half of them, as you might not be able to Sfida.


19-03-2021 20:11:44 UTC


Propose a fix if you want, but this is hardly urgent enough for an emergency CfJ.

Josh: he/they

19-03-2021 20:40:51 UTC

A CfJ doesn’t have to be an emergency - just something that requires urgent attentkon, and I think this does meet that standard.

I also think that the tags defined in Dynastic Rules are still subject to the general regulation of Tags present in the core rules, under

If a Votable Matter would make a modification to the rules and it does not have the tag to make that modification, that Votable Matter will still be able to make that specific modification if any of the following on the following list are true:

And so on.

On the merits of this specific case,  for , although draws and forfeit games are something that could use more system thought.

Raven1207: he/they

19-03-2021 20:49:55 UTC


Clucky: he/him

19-03-2021 21:17:05 UTC

To me, the Sfida fix seems a bit inelegant. It could be a way to bluff our a Sfida.

I’d rather just make it so that if its your action (either because its your turn, or you need to respond to a Sfida) and you don’t do anything for 24 hours, you lose.

Kevan: he/him

19-03-2021 22:38:13 UTC

against Per Clucky, although 24 hours may be a bit tight for some players.

Brendan: he/him

19-03-2021 23:10:18 UTC

The reason I went for the Sfida avenue here is that without it there’s an incentive to let games time out. If the players are tied—like Darknight and I are right now—but you know your hand isn’t strong, you can just stop playing, and when the game ends there is no Campione. You can be in a losing position and, by refusing to play, you can slow down the dynasty, cost your opponent the chance for other matches, and still come out without your opponent gaining or your losing anything.

Zack: he/him

19-03-2021 23:25:42 UTC


Zack: he/him

19-03-2021 23:27:53 UTC

The reason this needs the Tournament tag is because even if it passes it will only change the Impending Rules, and won’t affect your game with Darknight.


20-03-2021 11:45:26 UTC

against - agree that 24 hours seems tight and, so far, the rest of us aren’t churning through games while you wait so we’re all still on equal footing.

Kevan: he/him

20-03-2021 15:21:11 UTC

[Josh] No Tag Alongs specifically added a clause to say that a proposal that lacked a Tournament tag and tried to amend the Tournament Rules would always be redirected to Impending Rules instead. We don’t want people accidentally editing the live Tournament Rules, as happened with Doppio Doppio Guaio.

Darknight: he/him

21-03-2021 14:45:49 UTC

Sorry, for what ever reason slack was not alerting me at all

Darknight: he/him

21-03-2021 14:55:47 UTC
