Call for Judgment: Darknight Pls
Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 3 votes to 5 by Kevan.
Adminned at 21 Mar 2021 15:15:17 UTC
Append, after the words “If they reject, the Game is Closed, and the player posting the Sfida is the Game’s Campione” in both the rule “Tournament Rules of Giolitti” and the ruleset section “Impending Rules”, the following paragraph:
If a Player who must respond to a Sfida has not responded within 24 hours of that Sfida being posted, then that Player is considered to have rejected the Sfida.
At the moment, the Starting Player of my current match has not made a move, and hasn’t responded to mentions on Slack. Even if I were to make this a [Tournament] proposal, it could easily be Sunday evening before I have a chance to participate in the primary mechanic of the dynasty.
Lulu: she/her
Pretty sure this still needs a Tournament tag.