Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Proposal: Defence tools

Self-killed. Failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 11 Aug 2015 18:13:32 UTC

Rewrite the rule “Corporate Defence” to the following:

Each Corp Name has a Defence Score, which is a numerical value and defaults to 10.
Each Corp Name has a Defence Tool, which is a string of alphanumeric characters. Each character represents a subroutine in their Defence Tool. When the Actual Defence Score of a Tool is calculated by a Hacker, it starts at zero and then has the effects of each of its Subroutines applied once in the order that they are listed in the Tool’s GNDT field.

Defence Score and Defence Tool are tracked in the GNDT under the “Tool” field in the following order: Defence Score first, and then Defence Tool.

As a daily action, a Hacker may add a Subroutine to any Corp Name Defence Tool.
Subroutines that currently exist are as follows:
* | - Firewall - two consecutive Firewalls negate the rightmost Subroutine in the Hack Tool of the Codename, which makes a Hack against this Corp Name
* @ - Honeypot -  three consecutive Honeypots remove the leftmost and the rightmost Subroutine in the Hack Tool of the Codename, which makes a Hack against this Corp Name
* ) - Shield - adds +1 to the Defence Score of this Corp Name

In the Hacking rule, add:

If the Hack against a Corp Name is successful, remove the Defence Tool of that Corp Name.
If the Hack against a Corp Name is unsuccessful, remove the rightmost Subroutine from the Defence Tool of that Corp Name.


Josh: he/they

11-08-2015 06:36:27 UTC

against Purely because this overwrites all of the changes in Proposal: The House Always Wins. I like the idea in principle though.


11-08-2015 07:36:33 UTC

Fair enough. It has a bit of unclear wordings too. SelfKill against

Kevan: he/him

11-08-2015 09:17:31 UTC

In fairness, The House Always Wins was enacted wrongly - it created a new, duplicate Corporate Defence rule and left the old one in place as a stub, which is presumably what ShareDVI was amending here. (I’ve now fixed the ruleset to match the proposal.)


11-08-2015 10:34:32 UTC

Oops, my bad.