Wednesday, March 17, 2021

Proposal: Dem Trumps

Enacted 8-0. Josh

Adminned at 18 Mar 2021 21:57:14 UTC

Add the following sub rule called “Trumps” to “The Game”

The presence of a card whose suit is Trumps can affect a Player’s Pocket.

If a Player’s Pocket contains an Angel, the Heft of all Cards in their Pocket is doubled

If a Player’s Pocket contains a Devil, the Heft of all Cards in their Opponents Pocket are reduced by 5 (to a minimum of zero each)

If a Player’s Pocket contains a Magician, it has a Heft of 15 whenever they score Points for a Trick, but a heft of 0 whenever their Opponent scores points for a Trick

If a Player’s Pocket contains Lightning, then for the purposes of scoring Tricks, it is considered to have all Suits

If a Player’s Pocket contains a World, whenever they score Points for a Trick, the number of Points they gain is increased by one

If a Player’s Pocket contains a Traitor, whenever their Opponent scores Points for a Trick, the number of Points their opponent gains is reduced by one

If a Player’s Pocket contains a Death, neither the Player or their Opponent may score any points from Tricks

add the following to the list of tricks

L’Universo: The Player’s Pocket contains at least two of Sun, Moon or Star. Points: 1


Kevan: he/him

17-03-2021 18:08:41 UTC

Hmm, I’m not sure how well the choices of Magician and Lightning work under the unwinnowed “the score for that play is calculated based on the instructions in the Tricks subrule” wording. Score is phrased as something that can be calculated neutrally from gamestate, there. (Again we’re hitting the issue where someone saying “I consider Lightning to be Swords!” in a comment isn’t setting any gamestate, it’s just some words.)

Zack: he/him

17-03-2021 18:10:07 UTC

Earth should be World, right?

Clucky: he/him

17-03-2021 18:12:21 UTC

@Zack yes, good catch

@Kevan I think because you choose to score, its probably okay but do see the concerns. It would be nice to have some support for wildcards though as they open up more possibilities

Clucky: he/him

17-03-2021 18:14:33 UTC

ah I see your rule takes out the fact that scoring is optional, which does complicate things a bit (because we can’t just make you account your scores)

Kevan: he/him

17-03-2021 18:18:12 UTC

Could have them duplicate the Heft/Suit of the previous card played by that player (which is what you’d mostly be doing with Lightning anyway), which still allows some strategy about when best to play them.

Clucky: he/him

17-03-2021 18:21:51 UTC

Turned Magician into “High card, but only for you” and Lighting into “just assume it has every suit” which keeps the spirit of Lighting, and keeps half the spirit of Magician but then buffs it because you can’t use it to get easy runs anymore.

Lulu: she/her

17-03-2021 18:23:55 UTC

Grammar fix: it’s affect not effect.

Kevan: he/him

17-03-2021 18:37:16 UTC

Ah, also “Stars” is “Star”.

Lulu: she/her

17-03-2021 18:53:05 UTC

Not sold on Death.  Shutting out points for up to nearly half the game seems like a bit much.

Lulu: she/her

17-03-2021 18:55:28 UTC

Universe ought to include World in it, don’t you think?

Clucky: he/him

17-03-2021 19:00:20 UTC

Its more “space” than “Universe” and there are some fun interactions between world and universe (two of Sun/Moon/Stars + World will actually score you 4 points) that I like due to how its thematic.


17-03-2021 19:11:38 UTC

World and Traitor are OP; game-winning in most cases.

Clucky: he/him

17-03-2021 19:21:08 UTC

are they? its hard to score points while they are in your pocket. With World, you can maybe get a set of two other Trumps if you get enough in your hand, but you’ll likely be handing the other player a bunch of free L’Aria’s in the process. Traitor sure you neutralize their ability to score, but what will you manage to score yourself?

Lulu: she/her

17-03-2021 20:05:31 UTC


Kevan: he/him

17-03-2021 20:28:43 UTC

imperial I like the Death card a lot.

Josh: he/they

17-03-2021 20:33:04 UTC

I also like the Death card a lot.



17-03-2021 22:56:44 UTC


Zack: he/him

17-03-2021 23:51:45 UTC


Raven1207: he/they

18-03-2021 05:21:55 UTC
