Proposal: Diagnostic Debugging
Times out 4-4. Failed by Brendan.
Adminned at 05 Aug 2022 19:32:10 UTC
Add a section under the BotScript rule:
Within 48 hours of a bout (defined as 48 hours after a story post containing bout results is posted), an operator may privately message the Announcer for their bot’s BotScript execution string.
The BotScript Execution string contains the numbers corresponding to which triggers were activated during each round of play separated with a comma. If a scrambler was used, then it should be indicated as such with an S preceding the trigger that was executed. If no triggers were executed for any other reason then it should be indicated with an X.
The Arena systems were capable of getting information from the bots during a bout. But you just had to be set up to receive them… Interpreting them was as simple as building the script… Or at least that’s the theory.
Trapdoorspyder: he/him
It’s typically pretty easy to tell what exactly your bot did during a match, but I don’t mind voting this through if it’ll help out a little bit.