Proposal: Diet Riot
Reached quorum, 5-0. Josh
Adminned at 17 May 2012 08:00:34 UTC
In the rule “Institutions”, replace “Immediately before Player would Influence an Institution that is the target of Slave Riots, 1 Marine or 5 Credits (taking whichever penalty corresponds to the resource allocated to the institution) is lost from their resources and removed from their allocation. If, subsequently, they no longer have sufficient resources allocated to that Institution for that cycle to Influence it, then the Institution is uninfluenced and remains the target of Slave Riots, but if they still have sufficient resources allocated to Influence the Institution then it is Influenced as normal and the Slave Riots are dispersed.” with:-
If a Player would influence an Institution that is the target of Slave Riots, and if they directed fewer than 6 Credits and fewer than 2 Marines at it, then the Institution is not Influenced, the Player loses all Resources they Directed at it that Cycle, the Institution is no longer the target of Slave Riots, and the Net must announce this event to all Players.
Attempting to simplify the Slave Riot effect. The “if you only bid a little more than second-place then nobody wins” mechanic possibly adds too much complexity, for the sake of an unpredictable edge case.
Would also be easier to follow what was going on if the Net were required to tell us when the Slave Riots had an effect.
Josh: he/they