Proposal: Disambiguation, plus a change in how rain works
Timed out (5-1)
Enacted by Hix
Adminned at 16 Oct 2006 08:47:07 UTC
Change the description of Anarchy in the Rule “Politicalities” to read:
These Vegetables are considered to be Rotten for the purposes of the rule entitled “Politicalities”.
Also, change the description of Theocracy in the same Rule to read:
Each Vegetable with this Inclination may often make a comment to the GNDT with text “Praying for rain. DICE20”. If the result of the DICE roll is 3, e increases eir Tastiness by 3. If the result is 2, e increases the Tastiness of all Vegetables with this Inclination by 2. If the result is 18, 19 or 20, e increases everyone’s Healthfulness by 1.