Saturday, March 07, 2009

Proposal: Dishonorable Discharge

Self-killed, failed by Kevan.

Adminned at 09 Mar 2009 11:10:34 UTC

If the Proposal titled “Dead Man’s Boots” fails and if the Proposal titled “Alternate victory condition” failes, this Proposal does nothing., this Proposal does nothing. Create a new dynastic rule entitled “They’re Dead to Me.

For victory condition purposes, idle soldiers (including the general) are considered dead.

Because if a soldier retires mid-war without dying, they might as well be dead to me.


Darknight: he/him

07-03-2009 22:33:12 UTC


Qwazukee: Idle

07-03-2009 22:59:29 UTC

imperial  arrow

Klisz: Idle

07-03-2009 23:55:31 UTC


“If the Proposal titled “Dead Man’s Boots” fails and if the Proposal titled “Alternate victory condition” failes, this Proposal does nothing., this Proposal does nothing.

Due to that, this proposal… um… does nothing.

Wakukee: Idle

07-03-2009 23:56:44 UTC

Oops.  against s/k.

Kevan: he/himIdle

08-03-2009 11:50:42 UTC

I’m not sure this would work; the soldier would just stop being dead as soon as they unidled, wouldn’t they? Death isn’t clearly defined as something you can’t come back from, in our universe.

The Werewolf Dynasty had a rule listing players who were ineligible to win as a result of going idle, to deal with the problem of players going idle to avoid being killed, or coming back much later to take a last-man-standing victory.