Proposal: Dismantle
Timed out unenactable, 4-4. Josh
Adminned at 14 Oct 2022 09:09:37 UTC
In the rule Victory and Ascension, remove the text “either Pass the Mantle (by making a post naming a Partygoer who was not the last dynasty’s Host, in which case the passing Partygoer ceases to be the Host and the Partygoer so named becomes the Host) or”. In the same rule, in “If the game is in an Interregnum then the new Host must”, change the ‘must’ to a ‘may’.
In the rule Malign Emperors [Inactive] [Rare], change the first instance of the words ‘The Host’ to the following: “If the Special Case rule Mantle Passing is active, and the game is in Interregnum, then the Host of the recently-ended Dynasty”; and from the same rule, remove “during an Interregnum, as per the rule Victory and Ascension”.
Replace the rule Mantle Limitations [Active] with the following rule, called Mantle Passing [Rare][Inactive]:
During Interregnum, before posting an Ascension Address, the new Host may make a blog post naming a single other Partygoer who was not the Host of the most recently concluded dynasty. The named Partygoer then becomes to the Host and the poster ceases to be the Host; this is referred to as Passing the Mantle.
Repeal the rule Alliances.
“most recently concluded dynasty” pedanically, dynasties technically don’t end with a successful DoV. There is a still-ongoing dynasty during Interregnums