Proposal: DomiNO
Reached quorum 5 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 25 Mar 2021 17:08:12 UTC
Replace the content of the Imperial Deferentials special case rule with the following:
If the Dealer has voted DEFERENTIAL on a Proposal, that vote is instead considered to be valid and either FOR (if more Players have voted FOR the Proposal than have voted AGAINST it) or AGAINST (in all other cases). However, in either case, votes of DEFERENTIAL made by other Players on the same Proposal are not considered be valid.
Right now, Imperial Deferentials creates some weird domino scenarios
Say you have 9 players. 2 players vote for, one player votes against, three vote def, emperor votes DEF
At that point, the proposal is technically passible: First the emperor’s vote becomes FOR, then the three DEF votes become FOR and the proposal passes 6-1.
However, if either of the two remaining players votes against, then the proposal becomes unpopular 2-6
So, for example, passed but if Josh or Bucky had both voted against (and the other didn’t vote FOR), it would’ve failed.
The entire point of how quorum and popularity are supposed to work, is that you can safely say “it doesn’t matter how the other players vote on this, we can safely pass it or fail it”. But with Imperial Deferentials in its current form, we do not have that luxury.
Josh: he/they
I agree with the problem but find the solution to be too cautious.
I’ll likely go FOR on this but feel like the fix will need some tweaking.
Still v hard for me to escape the conclusion that Imperial Defs, and maybe the idea of Defs as a whole, is flawed and should be reconsidered.