Thursday, March 13, 2025

Proposal: Early Enrollment

In the rule “Vocating”, add a subrule named “Jump Start” with the following text:

Each Seeker has a number called “Reserve” that defaults to 0 and a “Reservation” which is a Hobby that defaults to no Hobby.

As a Daily Action, a Seeker who is in the Infant or Juvenile Life Stages may perform Jump Start. Jump Start is an atomic action with the following steps:
* Spend an amount of your Wealth greater than 0, up to your current Wealth, and add that amount to your Reserve.
* Set your Reservation to any Hobby that you do not already have as a Vocation.

For a given Hobby, if there is a Seeker who has that Hobby as their Reservation and a Reserve that is higher than any other Seeker who also has that Hobby as their Reservation, that Seeker is considered the Starter for that Hobby. Additionally, if there is a Seeker who is the only Seeker with that Hobby as their Reservation, that Seeker is considered the Starter for that Hobby.

A Seeker may not add a Hobby as a Vocation if there is another Seeker who is the Starter for that Hobby.

Whenever a Seeker adds a Hobby as a Vocation, their Reserve is added back to their Wealth if they were not the Starter for that Hobby, and their Reserve and Reservation are set to their default values regardless of whether they were the Starter for that Hobby or not.

If there are no active Seekers in the Infant or Juvenile Life Stages, any Seeker or the Custodian may repeal this rule.

The current optimal play is to wait a full week, up to the last minute, to choose your Hobbies and snag something no one else has before they do, then immediately perform Be Productive to get the maximum value out of it. I’d rather the dynasty not be dull for the next 7 days, followed by an immediate timing rush.

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JonathanDark: he/him

13-03-2025 17:37:22 UTC

I suppose Jump Start doesn’t have to be a Daily Action. Any opinions on that?

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