Proposal: Enquire Without
Passes 4-2. — Quirck
Adminned at 03 Nov 2012 12:53:01 UTC
Enact a new rule, “Inquiries”:-
As a weekly action, and if no Inquiries have been called within the past 72 hours, then any Editor may Call an Inquiry by reducing their Journalistic Integrity by 1, choosing a Newspaper to investigate (the “Guilty” Newspaper, which must be a Newspaper which has the highest number of Skeletons among all Newspapers), taking any surname from this list and making a post with a title “The [Surname] Inquiry”, where [Surname] is the chosen Surname. This is known as an Inquiry Post, and it must mention the name of the Guilty Newspaper and a list of two or more Subjects (the “Scope” of the Inquiry).
An Inquiry Post is treated as if it were a Wire Post containing one Neutral Event for each Subject in the Inquiry’s Scope, each with a Location of United Kingdom. A Newspaper may not run a Story on an Inquiry Post if it is the Guilty Newspaper named in that post.
If an Inquiry Post is more than 72 hours old and it has not already announced its Findings, then any Editor may announce its Findings by posting a comment to this effect on the Inquiry Post. Upon doing so, the Guilty Newspaper loses 1 Skeleton and has its Journalistic Integrity halved (rounding towards zero).
Reproposal with some tweaks, since it only attracted three votes last time.
Josh: he/they