Proposal: Final cleanse
Enacted 5-0. Josh
Adminned at 05 Jan 2022 22:42:52 UTC
Change the second paragraph of the rule Ruleset and Gamestate to read as follows:
It comprises four Sections: 1) the “core rules” of BlogNomic, covering the essential elements of gameplay; 2) the rules of the current Dynasty; 3) rules which apply in special cases; and 4) the appendix, which complements and clarifies the Ruleset.
In the rule Tags, change “the “[Appendix]” tag in order to make changes to the Appendix Rules, and the “[Perdurable]” tag in order to make changes to the Perdurable Rules” to read
and the “[Appendix]” tag in order to make changes to the Appendix Rules
Repeal the rule Can Opener.
Remove the Perdurable Rules section from the Ruleset.
Change the first item in the rule Prioritisation to read#
The Appendix has precedence over any other Rule;
Just cleaning up the last few bits of Perdurability.