Proposal: Fixing Trivial Proposals (Trivial)
S.K. -Amnistar
Adminned at 02 Apr 2007 14:28:52 UTC
Replace the following line in “Trivial Proposals”
Whenever a Trivial Proposal passes, DNA Points are not earned as described in the main body of the “Evolutionary Currency†rule. Instead, The Gene Pool and each Lifeform gain Y DNA Points, where Y is the number (described in the main body of “Evolutionary Currency”) of DNA Points that would have been received by each non-author Lifeform who voted on the Proposal.
Whenever a Trivial Proposal passes, the procedure described in the main body of the “Evolutionary Currency†rule does not apply and no DNA points are given out.
This way, Trivial proposals will only be used for Trivial rule updates. The way things are right now, people are abusing this part of the trivial rule and not passing good proposals simply because they are not trivial. Which is bad.
Conflicts with “Less burden, take 2 (trivial)”.