Proposal: Frogspawn [Special Case]
Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.
Adminned at 17 Feb 2023 19:32:50 UTC
In “Reinitialisation”, remove “If this Special Case rule has been consistently Active for the last 168 hours then it becomes inactive and any Villager may mark it as such.”
Then replace “As a weekly action, any Villager may” with:-
If they have not already done so in the current dynasty, a Villager may
SingularByte questioned the 168 hours in Respawn and I think this would run better without it. By having that deadline, you’re presenting everyone with a final use-it-or-lose-it option when the clock is nearly out: if your gamestate would be unambiguously improved as a result of resetting (even by 0.1 points), there is absolutely no reason not to hit the button.
Allowing it at any time but once per dynasty would require a decision: the cost of using it is that you can’t use it later.
Brendan: he/him