Sunday, October 22, 2023

Proposal: Guilded Age

Fewer than a quorum not voting AGAINST. Failed 2 votes to 6 by Kevan.

Adminned at 24 Oct 2023 09:46:25 UTC

Add the following new rule called “Guilds” directly after “Wizards”:

Every Wizard may belong to exactly one Guild, which is tracked on the Duel Sheet. A Guild must have a name, and may have a colour and a familiar (which are flavourtext). A Guild is said to have a number of stars equal to the sum of stars held by its members.

Any wizard may create a guild if they have not done so within the last 7 days. When a Wizard creates a guild they automatically join that guild and become its Archmage.

A Wizard may leave their current guild or join a Guild if they have not changed their Guild since the last Duel. If a Wizard joins a Guild and is expelled from that same Guild before the next Duel commences, they may join another guild they are not expelled from.

Add the following subrule to “Guilds” called “Archmages”:

Each Guild has an Archmage, which defaults to the member of that Guild with the most Stars. If the Archmage of a Guild leaves that Guild, they cease to be the Archmage of that Guild.

An Archmage may change their Guild’s name, color, and/or familiar if it hasn’t been changed within the last 96 hours (4 days) by making a Story Post on the blog announcing the changes.

Add the following subrule to “Guilds” called “Expulsion”:

The Archmage of a guild may expel a Wizard from their guild. A Wizard may not be a member of a guild they are expelled from.

The list of Wizards who have been expelled from a particular guild is publicly tracked. An Archmage may un-expel a Wizard from their guild by removing them from that list.

Not sure how everyone feels about a teams mechanic so I made it pretty barebones; As written it doesn’t technically require competition between teams but I like the additional room for creativity and I think it opens up some interesting possibilities for collaboration and potential win conditions.


JonathanDark: he/him

22-10-2023 16:11:59 UTC

I have a few thoughts about this:

* Any ideas around creating new Guilds, or would you rather leave that for a future Proposal?

* If Wizards begin to idle out, and one Guild finds themselves with much fewer members than the other, what are their options? Wizards in the more populated Guild(s) won’t likely switch with them, so the Wizards in the smaller Guild are a bit stuck. Maybe allow them to leave their current Guild and get auto-assigned if the Guild goes below a certain membership number?

Zack: he/him

22-10-2023 16:21:28 UTC

Those are good points, I guess they both depend on how important the guilds being fairly balanced is, which as it stands is not at all. I could make it free to create a guild and/or free to join a guild (with the permission archmage’s permission?), but the only thing that would guarantee is that if the guilds are imbalanced it’s our own fault.

Clucky: he/him

22-10-2023 17:30:11 UTC

Not really a fan of forced teams. Wizards working together is great, but there should be plenty of room for backstabbing and betrayal as well.

Zack: he/him

22-10-2023 17:39:16 UTC

Ok give me a minute to rewrite some things.

Zack: he/him

22-10-2023 19:27:51 UTC

Ok, I rewrote the proposal so it’s now free to create a Guild and change your Guild once per Duel. I don’t expect there to be a heavy emphasis on Guilds having equal amounts of Wizards or Stars to be balanced.

Clucky: he/him

22-10-2023 19:34:20 UTC

unfortunately too late to change now, but I’d like all actions this dynasty to happen on the cadence of a a duel. So none of this “due this at any time” stuff. But I suppose all of that can be addressed if needed in a later patch


JonathanDark: he/him

22-10-2023 19:44:34 UTC


Brendan: he/him

23-10-2023 03:49:53 UTC

against I don’t think I like Archmages.

Snisbo: she/they

23-10-2023 06:23:36 UTC

against Confused what exactly we might use explicit teams for that we can’t already do with our own private teams

Kevan: he/him

23-10-2023 09:18:36 UTC

against Feels like there’s already enough visible coordination going on, with spell targets and styles.

Zack: he/him

23-10-2023 17:09:03 UTC

@Brendan Do you not like the idea of archmages or do you not like the word

Brendan: he/him

23-10-2023 17:13:22 UTC

I don’t like certain players being in charge of other players’ gamestate, which is why Alliances is non-hierarchical and a matter of mutual agreement.

Zack: he/him

23-10-2023 17:14:32 UTC

@Snisbo This would open up the possibility for spells or mechanics that affect members of your guild, or perhaps that depend on the number of stars or the lode of your guild, etc. I also just think it would be fun.

@Kevan I disagree, if people are working in teams I for one am in the dark. I could look at the battle results and try and decipher who is working with who, but it would just be guesswork.

Raven1207: he/they

24-10-2023 03:39:35 UTC


Vovix: he/him

24-10-2023 04:12:44 UTC


lendunistus: he/him

24-10-2023 06:28:53 UTC
