Proposal: He said WHAT?
Vetoed to keep the queue moving. Failed by Kevan.
Adminned at 15 May 2015 08:55:20 UTC
If “Popular” does not pass, this proposal does nothing.
Add a new subrule to the rule Reputation, “Gossip”:
If no Shifter has Gossiped since the Dawning of the most Recent Day, a Shifter may Gossip. A Shifter (the Gossiper) may do this by making a Story Post (known as a Gossip Post) with a title containing the word “Gossip” and the name of a Form.
In the body of the Gossip Post, the Gossiper shall write the nature of the gossip and put a Reputation Modifier, which is an integer which may be positive or negative and has a maximum of [The Gossiper’s Current Form’s Reputation]/10, rounded down.
At the Forest’s first opportunity, but before the next Day Dawns, the Forest shall either veto the Gossip Post or apply the Reputation Modifier to the named Form’s Reputation. The Forest should veto Gossip Posts if and only if the Forest does not believe that the gossip contained in the Gossip Post could realistically modify the named Form’s Reputation in the way implied by the Gossip Post.
Yes, I expect the topics of gossip started by shapeshifting monsters about the lords and ladies of the castle to be realistic. Luckily, in this case claiming that someone’s a shapeshifting monster is actually realistic.