Proposal: Historical Document Preservation Act
Reached quorum and passed, 11-0. Josh
Adminned at 02 Jun 2012 14:42:44 UTC
Add a new Dynastic Rule to the ruleset. Call it “Protected Documents” and give it the following text:
Any non-Ruleset document on the Blognomic wiki that would qualify as gamestate under the final Ruleset of a dynasty before dynasty 100 may not be modified except by Proposal or CfJ. If a rule from a past Dynasty would reference or modify such a document, it instead references or modifies the subpage of that document found by adding “/dynasty100” to the end of its URL. Such a subpage is a Surrogate Wiki Page. Surrogate Wiki Pages are considered gamestate and do not have their own Surrogate Wiki Pages.
If a wiki page contains non-Ruleset gamestate and does not have a Surrogate Wiki Page, any Time Monk may create its Surrogate Wiki Page with the same content.
Remove the contents of all Surrogate Wiki Page. For each page that became gamestate due to this rule change, revert all changes made to it since the start of Dynasty 100.
Darknight: he/him