Proposal: Horrors
Self-killed. Failed by card.
Adminned at 18 Jun 2017 05:33:11 UTC
Add a new section called “Horrors”. Within it, add:
Whenever a Stamped Mission’s Secret Reward is “Eldritch Horror”, if one or more of its Participants is a Cultist, one randomly selected Cultist of those (chosen by the Expedition Leader) is now also a Horror. The Expedition Leader shall make a public post which states which Explorer has become a Horror when this happens.
A Horror may spend 5 Supplies to Attack an Explorer which is at their same location. That Explorer gains 1 Insanity.
Horrors are not welcome in Camps, so they may never enter them, and if they are within them, they are instead placed at that Camp’s Latitude.
I think its much more interesting for Horrors to be Players, running around, COMING AT YOU!
Kevan: he/him
Also the “whenever” clause would never stop triggering for Eldritch Missions, requiring the Leader to make an infinite number of blog posts.