I have decided to have one bone.
Nobody can have 206 bones at any time now.
Nobody can have 206 bones at any time now.
I already have the BLO relic. Furthermore the next sentence explicitly says that whenever I break a bone, I gain a “broken bone” What the first sentence does is simply prohibiting me from having exactly 206 broken bones. I can, however, have 205 or 207.
“Each Citizen has exactly 206 bones at no times, and each of them may either be broken or non broken. All bones a Citizen owns are initially considered to be not broken. There exists a GNDT stat called “Fractures†which determines the number of broken bones a Citizen has. Whenever a Citizen breaks a bone, it increases that Citizen’s Fractures by the number of bones broken, and also causes terrible pain.”
Therefore, 207 bones is illegal. (Evidently, Rodlen hasn’t updated the wiki yet.)
And arthexis cannot achieve victory except by snagging the Blo relic for a semi-instant and then declaring victory at the same time. Nice (I wonder how this affects the paraplegic rule?).