Proposal: Important information is Important
The Propaganda Officer has failed to make his leaflets more frequent and less ignorable. In other news, the Propaganda Officer has went mysteriously AWOL…
Reporting, Devenger.
(Timed out after 48 hours, 1-5-1)
Adminned at 27 Feb 2009 11:48:56 UTC
In rule “2.8.1 Important Information Posts” change the sentence “Only the Propaganda Officer may make an Important Information post, and only as a weekly action” to read “Only the Propaganda Officer may make an Important Information post, and only if at least 72 hours have elapsed since the last Important Information post was made.”
Add a new sub-rule “Withholding Feedback” under sub-rule “2.7.2 Martial Law” that reads:
Soldiers who have not made a comment on an Important Information post before 72 hours elapsed since it’s creation are in breach of martial law.
Voting DEFERENTIAL on this Proposal is a breach of martial law.
I have no opposition to the extra martial law breach rule.
Even I can’t handle that much brainwashing.