Proposal: Indepegnence
Fewer than a quorum not voting against. Failed 1 vote to 5 by Kevan.
Adminned at 26 Mar 2021 15:13:13 UTC
Reword the paragraph beginning “Each Player has a number of pegs, which is publicly tracked and which defaults to 30” in the rule “Tournament Rules of Giolitti” as follows:
When a Game ends, its Campione’s peg is moved up a number of times equal to the game’s stakes, and any non-Campione Players of that Game have their pegs moved down once.
Reword the paragraph beginning “Each Player has a Magistrelli score” in the rule “The Magistrelli System” as follows:
Each Player has a Magistrelli score, which is an integer that defaults to 10. Every time a Player’s peg is moved up they gain 1 Magistrelli, unless their opponent had a higher Magistrelli than them at the start of the game, in which case they gain half of the difference between their own Magistrelli and that of their opponent at the start of the Game, rounded up. Every time a Player’s peg is moved down, their Magistrelli score is reduced by 1, unless their opponent had a Magistrelli score at least four points higher than them at the start of the Game.
If the phrase “five pegs are transferred from the challengee to the challenger” exists in the Ruleset, replace it with the following:
the challengee’s peg is moved up five times, and the challenger’s peg is moved down five times, as if these actions happened at the end of a Game in which their starting Magistrelli scores were the same as their Magistrelli scores when the Dealer responds.
I swear this was a two-sentence proposal when I started it.
Clucky: he/himIdle
But then there isn’t much incentive not to Sfida if you’re the underdog, because there are no real negative costs to you for raising the stakes.