Thursday, August 03, 2017

Call for Judgment: Intel needed to decode

Reached quorum 6 votes to 0. Enacted by Kevan.

Adminned at 03 Aug 2017 13:27:52 UTC

The 50 Mil/Charisma/Intel perks, e.g. “[50 Military]: Shock and Awe: CICs with 15 Military or less cannot Target you with Missiles.” are ambiguous to me. If A is already targeting B but A drops below 15 Military while B has 50 Military, or B goes above 50 while A remains below 15, does this break the targeting? It seems like it depends on whether ‘target’ is a new action or something ongoing. To me it reads like ongoing, and so, disambiguate the first three perks by changing them to read:

[50 Military]: Shock and Awe: CICs with 15 Military or less cannot begin Targeting you with Missiles, and cease targeting you with Missiles if they are already doing so.
[50 Charisma]: First Among Equals: CICs with 15 Charisma or less cannot Target you with Missiles, and cease targeting you with Missiles if they are already doing so.
[50 Intel]: Stealth Tech: CICs with 15 Intel or less cannot Target you with Missiles, and cease targeting you with Missiles if they are already doing so.

Note that I will interpret the existing perks as if ‘target’ is ongoing, and so effectively say the above.



03-08-2017 01:27:53 UTC

OK for

Maldor: he/him

03-08-2017 03:11:10 UTC

seems legit, I didn’t think that it was ambiguous, though.

Kevan: he/him

03-08-2017 07:04:09 UTC



03-08-2017 10:22:56 UTC

I only now noticed I messed up the wording in making those parallel, but the Charisma and Intel ones both effectively mean the same thing to me as the Military one.


03-08-2017 11:09:47 UTC

t i m e t o c f j t h e c f j

derrick: he/him

03-08-2017 13:12:55 UTC



03-08-2017 13:22:24 UTC
